August 29, 2016
The Rainbow Carillon Tower
One of the largest Carillons in North America is found in Niagara Falls. The Rainbow Carillon Tower is located at the Canadian end of the international Rainbow Bridge near the falls. The 50.3 metre (165 feet) was built in 1947. The Carillon Tower has 55 cast bronze bells weighting 43 tons that hang from inside the tower. The tower is maintained and operated by The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission.
Since the early 2000’s, the bells have been automated. However, they can still be played by a guest carilloner on special occasions.
The carillon can be seen and the bells heard in the 1952 thrill movie “Niagara” starring Marilyn Monroe Inside the tower is where she was strangled by her co-star Joseph Cotton.
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The Rainbow Carillon inspires many with it's beautiful bell music.... It has a significant meaning to my wife Solange and I. The bells of the Carillon played the music for our wedding, which was the first ever held ON the Rainbow Bridge between the United States and Canada. That was July 3rd, 1993 (which is between Canada Day and the U.S. Independence Day.)
Hearing "The Bridal Chorus" and the "Wedding March" ring from those glorious bells added a very unique and memorable soundtrack to an incredible marriage celebration.
That was 25 years ago, and this July 3rd, 2018 Solange and I celebrated the 25th anniversary of our wedding on the Rainbow Bridge.... We had been invited to return to Niagara Falls, and renew or vows on the bridge. However health issues prevented us from being able to do that. But trust me, we were there in spirit.
Thank you to all involved in making our dream come true 25 years ago this month.