July 25, 2019
What is that old Building in the Gorge?
That’s the question so many people ask when they take the Niagara City Cruise to the base of the falls.
The building is the abandoned Ontario Power Company’s generating station built in 1905.The building on the very top of the bank was the company’s distribution station. The station ceased operations in 1999 and is now owned by The Niagara Parks Commission.
The former distribution station is now the location of the Fallsview Casino and Resort.
The building below the former distribution station, called the Surge Tank, is where the lights are located that illuminate the falls each evening year round.
The building to the left near the middle of the photograph is the old Table Rock House built in 1853.
The attached photo found on this postcard was taken about 1906.
Post a CommentI'm curious to what the little building just to the left of the surge tank. Its normal overgrown with ivy but I was able to peek in and see a beautiful marble "lobby" with a few electric wall mounted heaters and a dark hallway that leads back into the hillside.
Link to the building and the picture I took.
Ever since I can remember comming to the falls as a child in mid 80's. I have ALWAYS wanted to see the inside of this power plant.
This is really cool. When I visited, I kept asking my friends if they knew what it was. One of them even commented, 'It's probably where the Canadians keep their spies.' LOL. Thanks for the info!