February 28, 2013
You Never Know What's Under Your Feet
Since the early 1900’s millions of people have walked the pathway behind Table Rock House near the brink of the Canadian Horseshoe Falls. Few have realized they were walking above three giant conduits that one time supplied water from above the Niagara River to the now abandoned Ontario Power Generating Plant just below the falls.
It was in 1904 that these conduits were assembled to allow water to flow to this plant to produce 25 cycle power. In the late 1900’s the number of customers who could use 25 cycle power became scarce with most of us now using 60 cycle power. Hence, the plant was decommissioned in 1999 and later in 2006 ownership of the plant and the land surrounding it was transferred to The Niagara Parks Commission.
It remains empty today and continues to deteriorate. It’s a sad demise for a one time proud productive hydro producing facility.
I’ve attached a few old photos showing the plant under construction and another one of the conduits being assembled. Check out the old Table Rock House in this photo.